Harder Miami / Tickets At The Door Now

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Online tickets sold out but plenty at the door f HARDER goes south for the winter We are happy to hit Miami once again The last party was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Music by Peter Napoli(NYC) CENK Julius Cezar "HARDER is one of the hottest monthly queer dance parties in NYC. With a sex-positive alternative vibe and a roster of DJs from California to Berlin, HARDER is New York nightlife’s most seductive and sexy musical experience. What sets HARDER apart is the music. HARDER welcomes everyone. The only requirement is to have a positive attitude and a friendly demeanor. HARDER also hosts parties in SF, Miami, Fire Island, and Ptown, bringing together a community of people who love music and dancing in queer sexy spaces all over the country. HARDER parties get HOT, so dress comfortably."
Harder Miami / Tickets At The Door Now , Miami · Ingressos Shotgun